Urbana mladež s ponosom dijeli utjecajne rezultate našeg Erasmus+ projekta razmjene mladih, “Dance More Stress Less.” Ova jedinstvena inicijativa okupila je 58 mladih sudionika iz Bugarske, Hrvatske, Rumunjske i Poljske u Zagrebu, na transformativnom putovanju učenja i kulturne razmjene s ciljem suočavanja sa stresom i izazovima mentalnog zdravlja kroz ples.Read More →

Udruga Urbana mladež s ponosom najavljuje nadolazeći Erasmus+ projekt razmjene mladih “Dance More Stress Less”, jedinstvenu inicijativu koja će okupiti mlade ljude iz cijele Europe kako bi se kroz ples suočili s izazovima stresa i mentalnog zdravlja. Ovaj projekt, financiran od strane Europske unije u okviru programa Erasmus+ KA1, održatRead More →

Urbana mladež is excited to announce the upcoming Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project “Dance More Stress Less”, a unique initiative that will bring together young people from across Europe to tackle stress and mental health challenges through dance. This project, funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ KA1 program, willRead More →

Dance as a medium for change je razmjena mladih koju financira Europska unija. Ovaj projekt je dio Erasmus plus programa. Organizacija domaćin je Urbana mladež dok su partneri Asociatia Babilon Travel iz Rumunjske i Union on the deaf iz Bugarske. Uzimajući u obzir stres kao vodeći problem u maloljetničkim skupinama,Read More →

Dance as a medium for change is youth exchange funded by the European Union. This project is part of the Erasmus plus programme. Host organization is Urbana mladež while partners are Asociatia Babilon Travel from Romania and Union on the deaf from Bulgaria. Taking into consideration stress as a leadingRead More →

We are very excited to bring you project results of our youth exchange The Essence of Dance. The Essence of dance is Erasmus + KA 1 project funded by the European Union. Project coordinator is Urbana mladež from Croatia while partners are WalkTogether from Bulgaria and Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Przeróżnych fromRead More →