The essence of dance is youth exchange funded by the European Union. This project is part of the Erasmus plus programme. Host organization is Urbana mladež while partners are Stowarzyszenie aktywności przeróżnych from Poland and WalkTogether from Bulgaria.  This project is designed by a group of young people whoRead More →

In August youth from Urbana mladež went on youth exchange “ReInEvent it” to Bansko (Bulgaria). Together with participants from Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia and Lithuania, they explored the topic of project and event management. As participants had different level of knowledge and experience in Erasmus+ program, it was aRead More →

The youth exchange EntreCULCHAship in Plovdiv, Bulgaria was one of the best exchanges I visited until now. We was part of partnership comprises 30 young people from six European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Romania, and North Macedonia. The project’s context in entrepreneurship in culture (not employed and not inRead More →

Glavne teme događaja su Volontiranja u zamjenu za smještaj i hranu diljem svijeta (Workaway, Helpx i Woof), besplatni i jeftini prijevoz (Autostopiranje, Carpooling) te kako raditi i putovati istovremeno (Digital nomads) Monika i Nataša, naši EVS volonteri će vam predstaviti ove teme u utorak 🙂 Organizator događanja; Urbana mladež, Datum:Read More →

Glavne teme događaja su novi EVS, novi program volontiranja baziran na solidarnosti, takozvani “European solidarity Corps” te “Razmjene mladih i Training courseovi” u Erasmus plusu. Monika i Nataša, naši EVS volonteri će vam predstaviti ove 3 teme u srijedu 🙂 Organizator događanja; Urbana mladež, Datum: 07/08/2019. Srijeda 20:00 – 21:00hRead More →