Poziv za 2 EVS volontera, Zagreb, Hrvatska 01.10.2018. – 30.09.2019. Dragi prijatelju, tražimo upravo tebe i došlo je vrijeme da se upoznamo. Urbana mladež je udruga mladih ljudi  strastvenih oko putovanja, neformalnog učenje i pretvaranje ideja u akcije. Radimo puno s Erasmus projektima, kulturom, plesom, glazbom i multimedijom. O EVS PROJEKTU: UPRAVLJANJE PROJEKTOM IRead More →

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA has one open place for Croatian EVS volunteer in Prilep, Macedonia for already approved EVS project. This is a group EVS project for volunteers from France, Bulgaria and Croatia. They give a great chance to young people to explore Macedonia and be part of an active youth organization forRead More →

Youth exchanges bring together groups of young people from two or more countries, providing them with an opportunity to discuss and confront various themes while learning about each others’ countries and cultures; they help you learn new skills and improve your CV. This is Ruba Terukova from Estonia and she is currentlyRead More →

Our today story is a bit unusual than others: Barbara started her travel “career” just at 17 and already visited all Seven Modern Wonders in the world! Now she is luxury traveller and lifestyle blogger:) Q: When and why did you start travelling? Barbara: I grew up in Hungary andRead More →

If you have already read all general information and conditions from previous article and ready to start looking for project, information below is definitely for you! Volunteer finds project by himself. But our organization provides all information and consulting support, so don’t hesitate to contact us at urbanamladez@gmail.com. Find YOURRead More →