Work and Travel USA is a privately run company that is a part of an international cultural exchange program, boasting more than 100,000 students per year. Work and Travel USA is partnered with the United States Department of State’s Summer Work Travel Program, which provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the UnitedRead More →

Youth exchanges bring together groups of young people from two or more countries, providing them with an opportunity to discuss and confront various themes while learning about each others’ countries and cultures; they help you learn new skills and improve your CV. This is Saulė Šulcaitė from Lithuania and she is currently in KarlovacRead More →

Youth exchanges bring together groups of young people from two or more countries, providing them with an opportunity to discuss and confront various themes while learning about each others’ countries and cultures; they help you learn new skills and improve your CV. This is Ruba Terukova from Estonia and she is currentlyRead More →

Dragi mladi, izuzetno nam je zadovoljstvo obavijestiti vas o našem projektu “Hip-hop entrepreneurship 2” financiran od Europske Unije koji je nastavak projekta “Hip-hop entrepreneurship 1” iz Poljske. Da bi dobili dojam što smo tamo radili pogledajte naša dva videa koji su sveukupno na društvenim mrežama dostigli preko 10 000 pogleda.Read More →

Dragi mladi, došao je i taj dan 🙂 Urbana mladež vas poziva da nam se pridružite u našu organizaciju mladih i volontirate na raznim zanimljivim i uzbudljivim projektima za mlade. Glavne aktivnosti naše organizacije su: * Project management: organizacija EU (Erasmus) projekata mobilnosti pod raznim temama: plesna edukacija, umjetnosti iRead More →

Dear young people, How aware are you on sustainable development? Do you know which are 17 sustainable goals ? If you don’t know you can check it on Urbana mladež is part of project “YouMust” and we are brining you hip-hop song made by participants of this project toRead More →