Hey there! We have been showing you the ways to travel for free and now it’s time to introduce you the most popular accommodation finding programme Couchsurfing! “Couchsurfing International Inc. operates a hospitality service and social networking service. Its website and mobile apps are platforms for members to arrange homestays, offer lodging and hospitality, join events such as “Couch Crashes”, and,Read More →

Promotion is one of the most important factor in the economy; a good promotion plan makes the difference between success and failure. Promotion can be accessible if we have the right tools to discover its target audience and a good communication channel. Main objective of this project was to equipRead More →

Let’s Move Bulgaria – Urgent call for EVS from EU starting 4th March Application deadline: 02-03-2018 BG Be Active Association is looking for a young person (18 up to 29 years old) to be our next EVS volunteers. For our new project, we will have 3 young people for theRead More →

Urbana mladež traži 4 sudionika za projekt “Pro Mo”u Litvi od 15 – 22.03. Projekt je financiran od Europske Unije i pokriveni su troškovi puta, smještaja i hrane. Ciljevi projekta vezani su uz neformalu edukaciju mladih u području promocije, marketinga i networkinga. Molimo da se jave sudionici koji su zbiljaRead More →

Training Course 20-26 April 2018 | Berlin, Germany The training course aims to strengthen and support the recognition of youth work at the local level in participants’ countries – led by NGOs within the South Med and European regional cooperation. Recognise It! Youth Work Locally! aims to bring together representativesRead More →

Training Course 22-28 April 2018 | Budapest, Hungary Do you know how to show your sparkles for the world outside? Do you know how to describe what you do? Is it hard for you to write something meaningful in the DEoR part of your project application? With this training weRead More →

Dear readers welcome to the article of project result of project “We entrepreneurs” which is Erasmus project, funded by European Union. The Youth Exchange Project “We, entrepreneurs” was held in Lithuania from the 1st to 10th of December, in the Trakai region. We have some project results to share withRead More →

We already made a presentation about making money out of our hobbies and travelling with that money. Now I want to show you a living proof. This is Ibrahim Akyuz from Turkey. He is literally born to travel. Even though there are some monetary or time obstacles (limited day offRead More →

Work and Travel USA is a privately run company that is a part of an international cultural exchange program, boasting more than 100,000 students per year. Work and Travel USA is partnered with the United States Department of State’s Summer Work Travel Program, which provides foreign students with an opportunity to live and work in the UnitedRead More →