Tražimo 3 sudionika iz Hrvatske, za sudjelovanje na Erasmus plus seminaru „APS – arts for peace & solidarity“ u Klafferu, Austrija.
Sudionici moraju ispuniti sljedeće uvjete:
- 18+ godina
- Imati iskustva u obavljanju neke vrste omladinskog rada (da su radili ili rade sa mladima u formalnom ili neformalnom kontekstu, kao učitelji, omladinski radnici, ljudi koji rade u institucijama socijalne skrbi …)
- Dobro govori Engleski jezik
*Svi troškovi pokriveni, put, smještaj, hrana, materijali
Za prijavu ispunite uspitnik:
Nakon odabira i informiranja sudionika, kao finalnu potvrdu za sudjelovanjem trebat ćete uplatiti participation fee u iznosu od 30€ u roku od 24h te kupiti kartu (avion, bus, vlak, što god odaberete) u roku od 3 dana. Iznos povratne karte će biti refundiran u iznosu do 180€.
Više detalja od samog organizatora:
Erasmus plus Project “APS – Arts for peace & solidarity”
DATES: 23rd to 30th of March 2019
PLACE: Klaffer, Austria
Project Description:
Using the topics of democracy and peacekeeping, we will apply the means and methods of aesthetic research and exploration and examine their usability in different pedagogical contexts.
Aesthetic research is a scientific method that can also be used in pedagogy and leisure work with children and adolescents. She uses different artistic stylistic devices to approach different topics. A special emphasis in this seminar will be dedicated to the transfer to one’s own work context.
In the course of this seminar, we will explore the issues of democracy and peace through these means and discuss applicability in different areas. Artistic means are mainly the performing game, photography, film and the work with sculptures used. However, you can bring your own artistic forms and try them!
Target group of the seminar:
People working in a formal or informal context with young people, eg. as teachers, youth workers, social workers, prison staff in juvenile prisons, street workers, people working in social institutions,… with GOOD English communication skills, 18+ ; especially those who work with disadvantaged youth!
Accomodation “Muehl-fun-viertel” in Klaffer:
Klaffer is situated in the province of Upper Austria. The community has 1.318 inhabitants and covers an area of 28 km2. If you’d like to be inspired from nature, Klaffer is the right place.
It’s located near a skiing field, which makes this corner of nature in winter pretty attractive for many people. ln summertime people love to visit the herbs garden, which is located next to Muehl-fun-viertel. By the way, it’s the biggest one in Austria 🙂
Participants will be hosted in the centre for children, youth and families (Muehl-fun-viertel). The building is situated in the middle of a nature paradise in a quiet countryside near a small lake.
There are toilets, bathrooms in the rooms. The participants will sleep in rooms with bunk beds. Male and female participants are in separate rooms. It’s possible that in one room there are more that one nationality. We kindly ask you to respect your roommates and the general rules of staying.