After a polish night we began with the fifth day of our project. Relationship and networking with partners was on the schedule. We went through the presentation and possibilities of connecting with partners. Afterwards we had a workshop in which like the other days, we had to implement what we learned during lecture. It was a lot of fun and we all managed to connect throughout this workshop. Every group was presenting one partner and we had to make a partnership agreement and organize event. Then we got divided in several groups. One group had to make graffiti, others dance choreography and some of them went to the PMP studio to record rap songs for tomorrow video.This was a very creative workshop in which everyone could give his own share of knowledge to the project. In the evening we all set down for a midterm evaluation. Everybody said that they are having a good time and that the project and the people on it are great. Then we went to the city for leisure time and enjoy ourselves some more.

Matko Mavracic, a Croatian participant