Tuesday went very joyously and I feel that everybody was felling very sad that we were almost done. The first presentation was about hip hop and breakdance studios. We learned what are the most important things about having and organizing one. Once you start your hip hop and breakdance studio you must learn how to make it recognized. For that purpose we had a second presentation in which we tried to get known with the best ways to promote the studios. When a rest was over we had a presentation on what are the positive examples of our organizations. What are the good things and what are the bad things and how can we improve them. In the evening we went to the city to have a farewell party in a club Taban. In Taban we called our local partner organisations to come and this event was opened for everybody to come. We made slide show of all pictures, played videos and shared all materials we made during this days. We also gave youthpass diplomas to everybody. It was a really nice evening and everybody had fun.

Matko Mavracic, a Croatian participant