All of us heard somewhere, something that someone is traveling for free? Is this legend true? You can travel the world without money? Our super awesome team of traveling free explorers will tell you various ways and ideas how to do that and share their experience on free travelling with you.

Topics that we will present are: Couchsurfing, Hitchhiking and EVS.
Organizator: Urbana mladež, Zagreb, Croatia
Date: 04/11/2016. Friday at 20h
Venue: Funk lounge hostel – Rendiceva 28B, Zagreb, Croatia
Join us: entrance free, Juliia Matsaienko a world traveler as a Guest Speaker, all presentations will be in English language.

Please let us know that you are coming by filling out this form;

Couchsurfing – a web site and movement where people share their homes, cities and lives in profound in meaningful ways, making travel anywhere in the world a truly social experience. On this web site you can find free accommodation in all over the world or host world travellers in your own home. But couchsurfing is so much more than that and we will explain exactly what is it.

Hitchhiking – a way to travel for free / a means of transportation that is gained by asking people, usually strangers, for a ride in their automobile or other vehicle. Sounds scary and dangerous ? Our mega awesome team of traveling free explorers will tell you their personal experience, tips and tricks to have safe and good hitchhiking. Hitchhiking is more than getting a free transportation, for some it is style of living.

European voluntary Service or in short EVS – an European program for young people from 17 – 30 for volunteering in other countries from 2 weeks to 12 month. The most awesomest way to enjoy international experience, learn about topics that you are interested and gain much and much life experience while having all expenses of living abroad covered! Sounds too good to be true? We don’t think so, we know everything about it and will tell you even more!

Event: “How can I travel for free? CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH” is part of EVS project “Youth mobility – Cro – EU” funded by European Union. Objective of our project is to inform Croatian youth and involve them in various educational, work related, volunteering and traveling opportunities. This event is just one of many to be organized! If you want to be updated on various opportunities Planet Earth has to offer please subscribe to our mailing list by sending us email on with title “Subscribe” and put in your name and surname and year of birth.

See you on Friday!!!