Dragi citatelji, zadovoljstvo nam je predstaviti Erasmus plus projekt Mobilnosti osoba koje rade s mladima ?Dance tools for inclusion?, financiran od Europske Unije. Projekt je dio Erasmus programa za mlade te se bavi neformalnom edukacijom u podrucju plesnih aktivnosti. Razlog provodenja projekta je educiranje plesnih trenera koji nisu imali priliku zadobiti formalnu plesnu edukaciju. Tokom 8 dana dana aktivnosti od 28.10.do 04.11.2016. Urbana mladež i partnerske organizacije su pripremili program prakticnih i inovativnih plesnih metoda i alata kako bi poboljšali kompetencije sudionika u njihovom radu s mladima u podrucju plesnih aktivnosti. Uz Hrvatsku u programu sudjeluje Slovenija, Španjolske, Poljska, Slovacla, Litva, Italija, Bugarska, Grcka, Rumunjska te Ceška Republika. Više o projektu u nastavku. Pratite naš web i fb page: www.facebook.com/urbanamladez
“Dance tools for inclusion” is Erasmus + KA 1 project funded by European Union. Project coordinator is NGO Urbana mladež (Urban youth) from Zagreb, Croatia, while partners are Gor (Slovenia), Associació Pirineus Creatius (Spain), Dom Kultury “Zacisze” w Dzielnicy Targówek m.st. Warszawy (Poland), Fondazione Teatro della Citta di Livorno Carlo Goldoni (Italy), Obshtinski Mladejki dom (Bulgaria), Asociacija Apkabink Europa (Lithuania), HELLASFORUS (Greece), Asociatia Umanitara FAM (Romania), Tmelník z.s. (Czech Republic), SYTEV (Slovakia)
Dance is a universal art form that helps people to express themselves no matter what the cultural background is, age or education. Through dance form body stays healthy, it develops kinesthetic awareness, improves social skills and cognition. It also reduces stress and helps to express feelings. Dance movement is also used to improve motor skills and brain function. Dance environment also increases creativity and imagination, cooperation with peers and fitting into a new community. With this art form, young people can organize public presentations of their work. Presentations can be organized in theaters or exterior space for example they can be placed in a different context such as performing in public. In that way, their work can be presented to local community and the spectators can be more familiar with dance. Through presentations, young people are developing self confidence that helps them in other life situations.
Youth workers who offer dance education in small communities are mostly self taught in need for new ways of teaching methods. With improving their knowledge, they will be able to provide better quality of their dance classes. Project goal is introducing new ways of teaching in dance art form and introducing new methods and dance tools. With new dance methods and tools we will empower youth workers to express through dance art form and use it to start new activities or complement ones they already have in their organisations.
Teachers will explore and expand capacity of their way of teaching and share good practices. In this methods and tools we will combine creative, social and physical abilities with focus on how to transfer knowledge to young people.
The need is to give competences to youth workers who work with dance activities but didn’t have the opportunity or financial support to educate themselves professionally in this field. There are many self taught teachers who want to teach young people dance, but there are lack of opportunities in their hometown. We are also targeting youth workers who are interested in introducing dance activities to their organization, but don’t have professional competences and capacity. With our dance methods and pedagogical approach, we will empower them with methods and tools of advanced quality that will make efficient outcome in their teaching methods and on young people. Acquired methods and tools will help partner organizations objectives to further develop activities, offer new perspectives, and opportunities to local youth. It will contribute to partner objectives to include young people in organisations with giving open workshops, public performances or dance events. Acquired competences on this project will bring new ideas for experimenting with already existed knowledge of youth workers.
Objectives of the project are;
* To explore the needs of youth workers in dance activities
* To share knowledge, experience and good practice of teaching dance
* To introduce participants to innovative and transferable methods and tools to improve the quality of teaching, training and youth work in dance activities
* To raise awareness on importance of dance activities and how it affects young people’s social, physical and mental level
* To promote the networking within the Erasmus+ Youth in Action by creating cooperation opportunities for youth work organisations within dance activities