Urbana mladež is a partner on a Erasmus plus capacity building project TC Digital Storytelling.

TC Digital Storytelling: using photography and video in youth work is bringing together youth workers and creatives from 12 countries to Belgrade, where they explored the potential of video making and photography to empower socially excluded youth, as well as to gain intercultural competences and broaden their network.

Partner organizations:
Balkan Initiative for Tolerance, Serbia
Zvod Apis, Slovenia
Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfi, Turkey
Baltic Regional fund, Latvia
Association Multisports loisirs, France
The Inside Out Programme, Northern Ireland
Buinho Living Lab, Portugal
Urbana Mladez, Croatia
AIM Agenzia Intercultura e Mobilita, Italy
Asociatia Carusel, Romania
Malteser Ndihmon ne Shqiperi, Albania
PRONI Center for youth development, Bosnia and Herzegovina

We bring you part of the project results of  Urbana mladež participants of the exhibition/movie-screening “Betwixt and Between in Belgrade” – where we represented works created during the project 3M: Multimedia Multipliers from Margins, workshop on Digital Storytelling.

Per Aspera Ad Astra video

and photo gallery “Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples”

Photo story 05.02.2016. Belgrade, Serbia “Zamisli život uritmu muzike za ples”!

(Imagine life in dancing steps)

Stojan is different from most of us! He goes after what he loves, not afraid totake chances, while we play safe! Stojan has the courage to face any obstaclesthat comes his way, while we are safe in our comfort zone. Stojan lives everyday, every moment, positively influencing everybody around him, while we wasteour days waiting for the weekend or holidays.

Every life is a gift, and we should learn to count our blessings!

Stojan Simic is young Serbian passionate dancer… And yes, he is also deaf!

1) As most professional dancers in East Europe, I have a daily job that is notdancing, I work for Afrodite mode collection. But still I manage every day tofind time to visit dance gym.

2) I have been deaf all my life and in the same time I have been dancer for 8years. It all started when organization “Hajde da…” came to Cityorganization of the Deaf and asked us who wants to join dance project…

3) They way that I feel the music is through vibrations and one of the ways Iinterpret dance is by observing dance partners and expressing images andfeelings from inside me.

4) I like to go out to clubs and party, my favourite music is one with thestrongest and deepest bass! It takes over all my body.

5) We know to have dance shows where we dance with dancers who aren’t deaf, andin the end of the show audience can’t figure out who is deaf among dancers. Iwould like to teach other deaf people how to dance and help people withdisabilities to follow their passions and dreams.

6) If we only had enough heart to follow Stojan’s steps, ourlives would have most happiest rhythm to dance to…

Photographer: Roberto Mesir, Urbana mladež

Lice i nalicje Beograda / Betwixt and Between in Belgrade

More photos and info you can find on the link: