U ovom izdanju CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH dogadanja odlucili smo umjesto prezentacija jednostavno s vama pricati o svim pitanjima koja vas zanimaju. I smatramo da je to najbolje napraviti u Maksimiru, na livadi, dok hvatamo sunce, sjedimo na dekama i jedemo cips 🙂
Svi smo mi culi negdje nešto da netko putuje po svijetu besplatno? Da li je ovaj mit istinit? Mogu li ja putovati svijetom bez novaca?
S vama cemo podijeliti naša iskustva sa EVS-a (Europska volonterska služba), Erasmus projekata razmjene mladih (Youth exchange) i Treninga osoba koje rade s mladima (Training course). Osim što smo mi bili sudionici na svim ovim projektima, takoder ih i pišemo te organiziramo, tako das možete pitati pitanja iz bilo koje perspektive koja vas zanima. Svi ovi projekti se sastoje od mobilnosti, što znaci da mladi putuju u druge države kako bi sudjelovali u neformalnoj edukaciji i svi troškovi su pokriveni od Europske Unije.
S vama cemo takoder i podijeliti naša iskustva sa Couchsurfinga, web platforme koja spaja lokalce i ljude koji vole putovati u smislu da im lokalci nude besplatno smještaj a zauzvrat upoznaju ljude iz raznog dijela svijeta. Mi smo ugostili ljude a i bili gosti u raznim državama. Drage volje cemo s vama podijeliti naše utiske i bitne informacije.
Bla bla Car? Da, putovali smo Bla bla Car uslugom, to jest vozili druge i vozili se s drugima, tako da slobodno pitajte što vas zanima. Pomalo smo i autostopirali 🙂 Nismo baš profesionalci no znamo ponešto i podijeliti cemo s vama.
Organizator eventa: Urbana mladež
Teme: EVS, Erasmus +, Couchsurfing, Bla bla car
Datum: 28/05/2017. Nedjelja 15:00 – 16:30h
Mjesto održavanja: U 15h se nalazimo u Maksimir Parku, ispred Info centra koji je nasuprot restorana “Maksimir”, odmah nakon glavnog ulaza. Nakon toga idemo na livadu kod pozornice koja je izmedu dva jezera (sa onom plavo-bijelom metalnom konstrukcijom). Ukoliko zakasnite dodite direktno na livadu. Ispred Info centra a i na livadi imati cemo otvoreni crni kišobran kako bi nas znali raspoznati.
* Mi cemo ponijeti nekolicinu deka za sjest no s obzirom da ne znamo tocan broj sudionika, ukoliko možete ponesite vlastitiu deku.
Pridruži nam se: ulaz besplatan, Roberto Mesir, projektni menadžer za Erasmus projekte kao gost predavac, sve prezentacije ce se održati na engleskom jeziku
Molim vas da nas obavijestite o vašem dolasku tako da ispunite ovaj upitnik: https://goo.gl/forms/A7N7BeVVqd9RuoZp2
Event “How can I travel for free? CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH” je dio EVS projekta “Youth mobility – Cro – EU” financiran od Europske Unije. Cilj projekta je informiranje i ukljucivanje hrvatske mladeži u razne edukativne, poslovne i volonterske projekte vezane uz putovanja te povecanje mobilnosti. Ovo je jedan od eventa u nizu koji cemo organizirati. Ukoliko želite biti informirani o razlicitim mogucnostima koji nudi “Planet Zemlja” možete se prijaviti na našu emailing listu tako da pošaljete email sa imenom, prezimenom te datumom rodenja na urbanamladez@gmail.com.
Pratite naše evente na facebook.com/urbanamladez/
Vidimo se u nedjelju!
“How can I travel for free?” Personal experiences: EVS, Erasmus +, Couchsurfing, Bla Bla Car.
In this edition of the CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH events we decided instead of presentations to simply talk to you about all the questions that interest you. And we think it’s best to do it in Maksimir Park, while we sunbathe, sit on blankets and eat chips 🙂
All of us heard somewhere, something that someone is traveling for free? Is this legend true? You can travel the world without money?
We will share with you our personal experience of EVS (European Voluntary Service), Erasmus programs(Youth Exchanges and Training courses). Apart from participating in all of these projects, we are also writing and organizing them so you can ask questions from any point you are interested in. All these projects consist of mobility that means young people travel to other countries to participate in non-formal education and all costs are covered by the European Union.
We will also share with you our experience with Couchsurfing, a web platform that connects locals and people who like to travel where locals offer free accommodation and in return meet people from all over the world. We hosted people and were guests in various countries. We would love to share our impressions and important information with you about this way of traveling for free.
Bla Bla Car? Yes, we traveled with the Bla Bla Car service, driving others and driving with others, so ask us if you are interested about Bla Bla Car. We also did a little hitchhiking 🙂 We’re not really professionals but we know some tricks and we’ll share them with you.
Event organizator: Urbana mladež
Date: 28/05/2017. Sunday 15:00 – 16:30h
Topics: EVS, Erasmus+ programs, Couchsurfing, Bla Bla Car
Venue: At 15:00 we meet in Maksimir Park, in front of the Info Center opposite the “Maksimir” restaurant, right after the main entrance. After that, we go to the grass field, beside the stage which is between two lakes (stage with that blue-white metal construction). If you are late, come directly to the grass field beside stage. In front of Info Center and in the grass field we will have an open black umbrella for you to recognize us.
* We will bring a few blankets, however, since we do not know the exact number of participants it would be awesome if you can bring your own blanket:)
Join us! Entrance is free. Roberto Mesir, a project manager for Erasmus projects will be a Guest Speaker, all presentations will be on English language.
Please let us know that you are coming by filling out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/A7N7BeVVqd9RuoZp2
Event “How can I travel for free? CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH” is part of EVS project “Youth mobility – Cro – EU” funded by European Union. Objective of the project is to inform Croatian youth and involve them in various educational, work related, volunteering and traveling opportunities. This event is just one of many that are organized! If you want to be updated on various opportunities Planet Earth has to offer please subscribe to our mailing list by sending us email on urbanamladez@gmail.com with title “Subscribe” and put in your name and surname and year of birth.
Follow our events on facebook.com/urbanamladez/
See you on Sunday!!!