Urbana mladež te poziva na razmjenu mladih u Sloveniji (Vinice) od 26.08. do 03.09.2015.
Pozivamo vas da se prijavite za razmjenu mladih u Slovenskim Vinicama (na granici sa Hrvatskom). Troškovi smještaja, hrane, i edukacije su potpuno pokriveni. Za prijevoz se takoder ne morate brinuti jer se ide iz Zagreba 26.08. ujutro osobnim automobilom i 03.09. predvecer natrag te su troškovi puta takoder pokriveni. Potrebno nam je oko sat – sat i pol vožnje do Vinica. Potrebno je još 2 sudionika godina izmedu 18 i 26. Smještaj je u kampu http://www.kamp-kolpa.si
Opis projekta na engleskom:
The “Rhythm of Youth” youth exchange will gather youth from Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Italy, UK and Greece, from 26.8. and 03.09. 2015 by river Kolpa in the Bela krajina region. Music workshops combined with generally beneficial content tied to music and performance is aimed at stimulating youth participation in society and personal development. Participants will learn vocal technique, choir singing and harmonization, composing lyrics and performance skills; additionally the basics of self-presentation as well as proper use of Youthpass and Europass. Through engaged music they will learn how to critically analyse issues and express themselves creatively. They will also be exposed to the visual side of performing arts. They will be presented with basics of project organisation and promotion, in line with the possibilities for the young by the Erasmus+ programme. The public performance workshop will build on acquired musical performance skills enabling the participants to leave a strong impression in personal interactions as well as public appearances. The final night of the exchange will feature a public performance, where participants will present their new skills and knowledge. The training and concluding event will be filmed and edited to serve as promotional presentation of the entire exchange and the multicultural interactions therein. At the same time the event will be a good opportunity to promote the Erasmus+ programme “Youth in Action”.
Zainteresirani i više informacija na email rmesir@gmail.com.