Dear hip-hop entrepreneurs and everyone who wants to become one,
We are honored to share project results of project “Hip-hop Entrepreneurship” with you and hope that it will inspire, motivate and benefit you and your personal development.
Let’s start with amazing song and music video made by participants:
Hip-Hop Entrepreneurship – Welcome to my World
Hip-Hop Entrepreneurship – Welcome to my world
Obejrzyjcie pokaz talentów z Bułgarii, Chorwacji, Polski i Węgier! W klipie występują uczestnicy projektu Hip-Hop Entrepreneurship, którzy są również jego producentami. Projekt sfinansowany został ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach programu Erasmus+. Koordynatorem projektu jest Służewski Dom Kultury. Dajcie znać, jak Wam się podoba :)Watch the talent show from Bulgary, Croatia, Poland and Hungary! You'll see the participants of Hip Hop Entrepreneurship project starring in the videoclip who are also its producers. Project is funded by European Union under the Erasmus + programme. The project's coordinator is Sluzewski Community Center. Let us know if you like it! :)#SDKjestOKa #Erasmus+ #HipHop #MiędzynarodowySDK #internationalSDK #Bulgary #Croatia #Hungary #Poland
Gepostet von Służewski Dom Kultury am Dienstag, 6. September 2016
Participants put together their ideas, skills, talents and this is their final product. They teached each other how to make music, write rhymes, rap, how to dance and create choreography, how to beatbox and do graffiti. They also shared their entrepreneurial ideas inside hip-hop culture and made business plans as inspiration for their future hip-hop career. We are proud of participants accomplishments and growth throughout project.
Please take a look at our project photo gallery to see more about our activity and feel the energy and positive vibe participants shared with each other.
As one of the project results we had final performance in center of Warsaw. You can see hard work of participants during 8 days of activity in their final performance. For lot of them this was their first time performing in public and coming out of their comfort zone.
Please use project results of this project for any purpose you find it useful, share it on your website, forum, facebook, with your friends, colleagues and family, etc.. If you need anything more from us don’t hesitate to contact us at
More about the project you can find in text below:
Hip-hop entrepreneurship is Erasmus + KA 1 project funded by European Union. Project coordinator is Dom kultury Služewsky from Poland Croatia, while partners are NGO Urbana mladež from Zagreb, NGO Sleepwalking Society from Bulgaria and Birs OTI HUNGARY Dates of project activities are 13.08. – 20.08.2016., Warsaw, Poland.
To be best at things you do, you have to do what you love. It is a quote we often hear in many situations but lack courage and guidance to do what we do best. A lot of young people in Europe (especially Poland) are independently engaged with one of the 4 elements of hip hop (dance, music production and singing, dj-ing, drawing – graffiti). But they lack inspiration and entrepreneurial skills in order to turn “love” into means they can use to earn for a living. Our partner organisations are also involved deeply in entrepreneurship and have dance studios, music studios, event management company , design brand of clothes and can offer participants great examples and support. Partner organizations have enough expertise and experience to develop and improve participants entrepreneurship and initiative competences. Objectives of the project “Hip-hop entrepreneurship” are:
* To change the way participants look at their hobby and start thinking about turning it into a business
* To empower participants with entrepreneurship and initiative competences
* To empower participants with digital competences and ICT tools which can help them with business ventures
* To inspire participants and develop initiative attitude with good practice and peer examples
* To involve participants in project of their interest where they will cooperate with their peers from other countries, improve cultural experience and do artistic activities they love to do
Impact of the project is:
– Entrepreneurship and ICT competent participants self-confident to make a living out of their hobby and skills,
– Social inclusion of participants with fewer opportunities in international project and raised awareness of entrepreneurship approach and tools in hip-hop community.