Dobrodošli u još jednu Erasmus avanturu Urbane mladeži.
Odobren nam je novi projekt razmjene mladih pod imenom “Street show connection”, financiran od Europske Unije. Na projektu cemo zajedno planirati i graditi Street show event te u isto vrijeme se educirati o organizaciji dogadanja to jest “event managementu”. Drago nam je da opet možemo ugostiti naše dugogodišnje partnere iz Poljske “Sluzewski Dom Kultury” to jest njihovu sekciju Hip-hop Aka Demia. Zadovoljstvo nam je po prvi puta ugostiti partnere iz Španjolske “On the ground” te partnere iz Slovenije “STARS”. U projektu ce sudjelovati 34 mladih a za lokalnu zajednicu cemo organizirati street show gdje cete nam se svi moci pridružiti… Više informacija o mjestu i vremenu uskoro…
Takoder opis projekta na engleskom ispod…
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” – Aristotle. Project ?Street show connection? objectives are to teach entrepreneurship skills to youngsters through planning, organisation and implementation of a street show.
The youth exchange activity “Street show connection” will take place in Zagreb, Croatia from 23.04. – 30.04.2016. Coordinating organisation is Urbana mladež, Croatia while partners are Dom kultury Služewsky, Poland, NGO Stars, Slovenia and On The Ground, Spain. Project involves 34 participants will cooperate on putting together a street show event on the streets of Zagreb. Street show will consist of dance, music, vocal and acrobatic performance while whole project will include: planning, designing and managing organization of a street show and learning safety and regulations of outdoor activities.
Expected impact on participants is: to improve their business planning and event management skills and knowledge; to equip them with set of skills which will give them possibilities to start thinking in broader terms regarding their artistic skills and talents; to direct view of their performance as an entrepreneurship venture; to make them step out of their role only as an performer and start thinking as initiator of their career events; to introduce participants with rules, regulation and safety of project implementation and outdoor activities in public spaces; to improve their artistic skills and performance; to improve participants networking skills with participants from other countries.
Tangible results of the project are street show event on the streets of Zagreb and video of this street show. Participant will prepare everything they need to record video of this street show, mix and produce it after the mobility and share it with their friends, their colleagues, and via their social network profiles. Another tangible result is youthpass where participants will put in written what they learned on this project. In this way participants will be involved in dissemination and visibility of the project.
CULTURAL ASPECT: Another aspect of the project is work on convergence of cultural diversity between Poland, Spain, Slovenia and Croatia. With intercultural nights, presentation of our cultures and traditions and spending time together we are strengthening unique European identity. As every good host Croatia will expand their cultural courtesy to partner organization and expect to learn about others as well.