Tražimo sudionike iz Hrvatske, za sudjelovanje na Erasmus plus seminaru „The Silent Violence of Marginalization“ u Tokatu, Turska.
Sudionici moraju ispuniti sljedeće uvjete:
- 18 – 29 godina
- Zainteresovani i upoznati sa temama marginalizacije, integracije, radikalizma i inkluzije
- Poznaje makar osnove Engleskog jezika
- (Ostale uvjete i kriterije za selekciju možete pročitati niže na engleskom jeziku)
*Svi troškovi pokriveni, put, viza, smještaj, hrana, materijali
Za prijavu ispunite uspitnik:
Nakon odabira i informiranja sudionika, kao finalnu potvrdu za sudjelovanjem trebat ćete uplatiti participation fee u iznosu od 30€ u roku od 24h. Nakon toga sledi proces podnošenja zahteva za vize i kupovine avionskih karata. Iznos povratne karte će biti refundiran u iznosu do 275€.
Više detalja od samog organizatora:
Erasmus plus Project “The Silent Violence of Marginalization”
DATES: 20th March (arrival day) – 29th (departure day) March 2019
PLACE: Tokat, Turkey
ACTIVITY TYPE: Youth Exchange
Project Description:
The Silent Violence of Marginalization is an international cultural exchange which will take place in Tokat, Turkey from 20th March (arrival day) – 29th (departure day) March 2019.
35 young people without prior experience in Erasmus + projects, from Turkey, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal and Romania will work 9 days in order to brake some barriers and to build bridge between them. Marginalization, integration, radicalism and identity would be the main topics for discussion.
Project objectives are:
- Cross-cultural learning and dialogue between the participants from different countries, with a view to promoting mutual understanding and tolerance;
- To increase youngsters’ knowledge about different culture/history/religion;
- Development of creativity and involvement of young people in civil life through promoting Erasmus+ opportunities among them.;
- To learn how to respect each opinion and break stereotypes through conducting of evaluation and discussion with young people from other countries;
- To promote good neighborly relations between the EU Member and non-EU States and to provide space for friendship and relationship through art and culture.
This cultural exchange should be the first step for many young people between 18 and 30 to get more involved in the youth work to start look at the opportunities in the NGO sector and to start organizing larger scale projects where the impact would be even bigger.
Target group of the seminar:
Profile of participants:
- 18-29 years old
- At least basic knowledge of the role of a youth Exchange
- Knowledge of the situation of radicalism, marginalization, integration, regional, inclusion in their own country and the specific work context for empowerment work with young them
- Motivation to take part in a mutual learning process in a large intercultural setting
- Good level of English to follow the Youth Exchange and to contribute to it
- Available for the whole duration of the Youth Exchange
- Sensitive on the Project topic and willing to create follow-up actions
- Knowledge on non-formal education either inclusion topic.
The selection criteria’s of participants:
- The motivation towards to project: We want all participants are interested to work on this topic in high level during the project and discuss with high commitment. That’s why, we will ask the participants motivation during the selection phase to check their commitment to “cultural differences” and “intercultural dialogue” are not abstract concepts but events in which they participate and benefit from and may use them to develop their local community.