“How can I travel for free? CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH”
All of us heard somewhere, something that someone is traveling for free or at least cheaply? Is this legend true? Our super awesome team of traveling free explorers will tell you various ways and ideas how to do that and share their experience on free travelling with you.
In this time we decided to go to Karlovac again and for that we cooperate with NGO from Karlovac “Carpe Diem”! Format of event is Traveller’s cafe.
Urbana mladež will present on this awesome event next topics which we prepared for you:
1) Workcamps as alternative to summer camps: why to go and what to do there!
2) Youth exchanges as a part of Erasmus+ program: what is it and how you can be part of it!
Our volunteers already participated in these programs so will tell not only about “theoretical” part but also about impressions:) Don’t miss the chance to ask them personally about this experience!
Event organizer: Urbana mladež (Zagreb) & Carpe Diem (Karlovac)
Date: 11/04/2017 (Tuesday) at 20:15h
Venue: Centre za mlade Gabrik (Maksimilijana Vrhovca, 13, Karlovac)
Join us! Entrance is free. All presentations will be in English language.
Event “How can I travel for free? CRO – EU – PLANET EARTH” is part of EVS project “Youth mobility – Cro – EU” is funded by European Union. Objective of our project is to inform Croatian youth and involve them in various educational, work related, volunteering and traveling opportunities. This event is just one of many to be organized! If you want to be updated on various opportunities Planet Earth has to offer please subscribe to our mailing list by sending us email on urbanamladez@gmail.com with title “Subscribe” and put in your name and surname and year of birth.