Dragi mladi koji volite hip-hop kulturu imamo sjajnu priliku za vas! Ako se bavite bilo kojim elementom hip-hop-a ili samo volite ovu kulturu, pridružite nam se na projektu “Hip-hop entrepreneurship 2”. Projekt je financiran od Europske Unije i potpuno je besplatan za sudionike što uključuje pokrivene troškove smještaja, hrane i puta. “Hip-hop entrepreneurship 2” je dio Erasmus programa to jest sekcije “razmjena mladih”.
Urbana mladež organizira ovaj projekt i imamo još 2 mjesta za mlade iz Hrvatske od 18 do 26 godina da se prijave. Možete se prijaviti ako ste iz bilo kojeg grada u Hrvatskoj. Projekt će se odviti u Zagrebu od 14.07. – 22.07. i okupiti će 48 mladih iz Poljske, Bugarske, Mađarske i Hrvatske kako bi učili o poduzetništvu u hip-hop-u te zajedno napravili glazbeni video spot, plesnu koreografiju, plesni nastup i grafiti izložbu.
Da biste se prijavili molim vas ispuniti ovaj upitnik. Od svega, najbitnija nam je motivacija da budete dio ovoga projekta. Prijave traju do 26.05.
https://goo.gl/forms/lNetBRSCP2DZPYKR2 .
Finalni odabir sudionika javiti ćemo svima do 01.06.
Opis projekta:
A lot of young people in Europe are independently engaged with one of the 4 elements of hip-hop (dance, music production and singing, dj-ing, drawing – graffiti), but they lack inspiration and entrepreneurial skills in order to turn “love” into means they can use to earn for a living. Moreover, many do not even see that far and therefore are not able to identify the opportunities offered by urban culture. We have examples of great hip-hop entrepreneurs worldwide like: Puff Daddy, Jay-Z , 50 cent and Tede from Poland! These hip-hopers don’t just do hip-hop, they also have their record label houses, clothings and shoes companies, dance studios and many more.
“Hip-hop entrepreneurship 2” is a continuation of “Hip-hop entrepreneurship” project from Poland made by youth from Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary. Project implementation and results were so good that we decided to make second sequence of the project in Croatia. Please, take a look of our final result on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmTVukub-Eo and our performance in Warsaw city https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuHU_KCjIGs&feature=youtu.be.
Project also got a lot of praise and excellent comments and encouragement to continue this good work. As taught by experience from first project this one will have new content, be an upgrade and bring in all the workshops and competences we missed from first version.
During project we will acquire/improve entrepreneurship and initiative competences and digital competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and raise cultural awareness. In the end of mobility every participant will get Youthpass certificate that confirm your participation in project and reflect gained competences.
Objectives of the project ˝Hip-hop entrepreneurship 2˝ are:
* To change the way participants look at their hobby and start thinking about turning it into a business;
* To empower participants with entrepreneurship and initiative competences;
* To empower participants with digital competences and ICT tools which can help them with business ventures;
* To inspire participants and develop initiative attitude with good practice and peer examples;
* To involve participants in project of their interest where they will cooperate with their peers from other countries, improve cultural experience and do artistic activities they love to do.
During project we will make:
* hip-hop song;
* music video spot;
* dance choreography;
* graffiti exhibition;
* outdoor performance in Zagreb city.
Veselimo se vašoj prijavi,
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