The second meeting of Urban Life project 603106 cofunded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, went down last week in Skopje, we were hosted by Association for Progress, Education and Lobbying

We decided to organize a parkour meeting with the local community on the day before the meeting, it was a great opportunity to discover some hidden places of the city, meet Macedonian people and train with people from Italy, Spain, Romania and Croatia

See video here

On the day 10 the actual work started, after partners representatives and sending organizations presentation, we spoke widely about the theme of the project:

  • how to spread best values of doing sports in daily life,
  • how to create occasions of sports practices in urban contexts,
  • how to use urban spaces for sports practices,
  • how to stimulate and press on public institutions about improving active policies for accessibility to sports activities,
  • how to propose to public institutions to support actions carried out by associations, sports clubs, non-profit organisations committed in the field.

Each organization shared the informations they gathered about the number and characteristics of abandoned sports playgrounds in your city local context, and which are procedures for trying to recover that places, or converting abandoned places according to local rules, in particular about possibilities for non-profit organization.

We had some great group activities that will continue online in the next months before the Italian meeting in 9-12 January.