Hey there! Thank you all for participation to our event “Turn Your Hobby Into a Free Travel”. This time we covered 2 topics: making money out of our interests and hitchhiking. We wanted to mention about them here shortly for the ones who couldn’t make it yesterday.
We all know street arts: dancing, painting, singing, playing an instrument, etc. Most of them do these things for the sake of travelling. You know what? It becomes more enjoyable when you do something for your travel, it makes you feel like you deserve it. Two things you should keep in mind that you need a good spot and you need to be ready to be packed and run away if needed :D. What about doing something at home before your travel?
DIY CRAFTS! What is that now? That means Do It Yourself. Let me give you some examples. You can make necklaces, bracelets, backpacks, fancy decorations for home. If you need more inspiration, you can follow NIFTY on facebook, they have great ideas but sometimes it requires a lot of materials that hard to be found, so be realistic! 😀
You can also download Pinterest on your smart phone to have some more idea.
If you are good at doing makeup, or cooking, or videographing etc. then I advise you to create an Instagram/ Youtube account with a creative name and promote yourself. You can make money from Youtube if you catch the target subscribers and clicks. (I know it’s hard, but not impossible! 😀 ) You can be a food critic and eat for free in the good restaurants when you promote them on your instagram page. I have a friend who does this, she joins all the cooking workshops and meets other critics and they promote each other. In the end she became famous and now she is eating for free most of the time! 😀 I also promote myself with my salsa classes, I share the videos of my teaching on my instagram account and people contact me to learn salsa from me.
Do it voluntarily first to have a portfolio! If you are teaching something, do it voluntarily and add them to your profile. They will bring you money for your travel later on 😀
Be different! You need to be creative and original if you want to take attention. There’s a Turkish youtuber who gives tutorials about makeup. Nobody watches her for her makeup skills, but for her sense of humor. She got very popular in the end and now she even gives speech at the universities (very inspirative :D)
Some more ideas? You can also learn what you are interested on Youtube tutorials. You can learn how to crochet dreadlocks, make earrings out of polymer clays, make different candles with essential oils, armbands, head bands, you can also give tutorials about what you are good at! “Welcome to my channel, today I will show you how I make my own lipstick out of crayons and coconut oil” 😀
you can paint cups (check starbucks cup art) or make jewellery and sell them outside!
Always indicate that the money is for travelling! A friend of mine that I mentioned in another article sells her cups and earrings made out of polymer clay and she also shares how she travels by the help of her mini business. Now she is on the Europe Trip! 🙂
Lastly, you can also check this website https://www.etsy.com/ and sell your products in this worldwide platform.
No this is last one, if you have nothing to do but you are funny anyway, then use that talent! 😀 Be a comedian on youtube!
Tell me if you start doing your own mini business after participating our presentation or reading this article 😀
Ask me if you have any questions about it. gulsahcangc2@gmail.com
Good luck!