Hi there! I am one of the current EVS’ers of Urbana Mladez from Turkey. The strangest thing for me was to learn how people are interested in Turkish language (because of Turkish soap operas for sure 🙂 ) (and yeah I am a fan of Burak Özçivit as well lol) After having met Lea, a Croat studying Turkish language at university, I decided to create an event “Turkish Table” for Croats who are studying Turkish, or learning Turkish on their own. After asking for help from some Turkish Erasmus friends, we decided on a date and finally met in a cafe. We talked about languages, how a language can be learnt, history, Turkish soap operas, KARA SEVDA, the words that are used mutually in both countries. For the ones who aren’t aware yet, I made a list of those words (everybody knows džezva- cezve. but what about others? There are plenty of them.)

alat – alet  bar/barem – bari
boja – boya   bubreg- böbrek
budala – budala   čarape – çorap
čekić – çekiç   čelik – çelik
čizme – çizme   čorba- çorba
dadilja- dadı   dućan- dükkan
dugme- düğme  džep- cep
džezva-cezve  (h)ajde -haydi
inat -inat  jastuk- yastık
kat – kat  komšija -komşu
mušterija- müşteri  pamuk- pamuk
papuče- pabuç  podrum-bodrum
sanduk-sandık  sat- saat
šamar- şamar  šećer- şeker
tava- tava  tavan- tavan
tulum-tulum  zar/zarem- zar

(some of them may be in Bosnian :D) With this project, I aim to learn Croatian while teaching Turkish like Tandem partners.

If you want to take part in our next Turkish Language Cafe, please contact me via gulsahcangc2@gmail.com

Take care!

Event; “Turkish Language Cafe” is a part of EVS project “Cro – EU – Planet Earth” funded by European Union. Objective of our project is to inform Croatian youth and involve them in various educational, work related, volunteering and traveling opportunities. This event is just one of many to be organized! If you want to be updated on various opportunities Planet Earth has to offer please subscribe to our mailing list by sending us email on urbanamladez@gmail.com with title “Subscribe” and put in your name and surname and year of birth.
Follow our events on facebook.com/urbanamladez/