Dear readers welcome to the article of project result of project “We entrepreneurs” which is Erasmus project, funded by European Union.
The Youth Exchange Project “We, entrepreneurs” was held in Lithuania from the 1st to 10th of December, in the Trakai region.
We have some project results to share with you. Please take a look at our photo album where you can find photos from project which show what participants were doing during mobility and their business ideas and plans.
click here
also don’t miss our educational and fun video made by participants to remember all the moments of youth exchange
The project revolves around the idea of making entrepreneurship more accessible for the youth. Many youths who are interested in doing business, have good and innovative ideas and enthusiasm to accomplish it but they lack of business knowledge and are scared of entrepreneurship. So with that project we aimed to change youngsters opinion about entrepreneurship and inspire youth all over the Europe to take an action, get the know how to do it in theory and in practice, and turn their ideas and dreams into reality.
Objectives of the project were:
- To share working tools necessary to implement participants business ideas into action, also discussing the various barriers in front of the youth;
- To develop participants’ competences: sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, selfempowerment and self-esteem through project management and peer-learning in youth exchange;
- To change the attitude of young people towards entrepreneurship from passive to active and raise their level of self-confidence so participants can experience entrepreneurship process as something fun and feasible;
- To improve participant’s intercultural awareness and expression through discovery of new traditions, lifestyles, cultures and habits.
At the end of the project, the participants received the Youthpass, as stated by the Eramus+ Programme. Youthpass is a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work. It confirmed participation in the project and reflected which skills participanmts learnt during the project.