Novi Training course naših partnera u Bugarskoj “The good youth worker = Successful young people”
Projekt traje od 22.09. – 28.09.2019. i održati će se u mjestu Ruse, Bugarska.
Pokriveni su troškovi smještaja, hrane i put do 275€! Tražimo 2 sudionika. Sudionici moraju biti stariji od 18 godina no gornjeg limita nema.

Za prijavu ispuniti sljedeći link

The youth workers inside our organisations need opportunities for exchanging experience with their colleagues, bring new knowledge and skills into youth work and learn how to make an objective self-assessment and effective planning of their work as youth workers.
The main objective of the project is to support the professional development of youth workers by enabling them to acquire knowledge and skills related to:
– traditions and quality standards in youth work in participating countries and at European level, as well as their current status and development;
– support and opportunities existing at national and international level and ways to apply and participate in them;
– today’s role of the youth worker in the youth work process;
– improving quality in project management for youth work;
– youth work through the use of digital technologies.
The project will have a positive influence on the enrichment of the methods of youth work they have, on their knowledge of the profession of youth workers, the ways of assessing their competencies and planning their future development.