Training Course
20-26 April 2018 | Berlin, Germany
Recognise It! Youth Work Locally! aims to bring together representatives of organisations (NGOs) active in youth work locally in an NGO and local youth officers, which are those working with or for young people at municipal level. They will come together from Programme countries and South Mediterranean countries in order to develop strategies to support the recognition of youth work and non-formal learning at municipal level. By using the term youth work, the team refers to engagement and activities, which are implemented by NGOs/groups of active people focussing on young people and how to make the situation of young people in their context – mainly at local level, better.
The third training course of the Recognise it! series will focus on
• sharing good practices, realities and experiences from municipal/local level,
• exploring concepts related to recognition,
• analysing individual situations,
• developing concrete action plans for the future, and
• implementing the Youthpass process,
by building on experience gained through the long-term Recognise It! project and gaining inspiration from good practises in Germany.
This training course is part of a long-term strategic project that started in 2016 initiated by SALTO -YOUTH EuroMed, SALTO-YOUTH Training and Cooperation Resource Centres and the Italian and German National Agencies for Erasmus+: Youth in Action.
With this training course, further contributions will be made to processes already ongoing in participant’s countries – of course taking into account the different socio-political realities within the participants’ group.
With this training the organisers aim to co-create a space for honest debates about concepts, topics and issues related to recognition.
This training is part of the Recognise it! project, which aims to support the development of new national strategies about the role of non-formal learning and youth work within EuroMed cooperation. It will build also on the 3-years’ experience of Youthpass in EuroMed youth programmes and the network which has been working together over many years.
Background of the Recognise It! Youth Work Locally! training course
In the context of the Recognise it! project a first seminar took place in Jordan in 2016, which focused on gaining knowledge about the situation based on participants’ experience and views. It was completed by a mapping exercise based on interviews and a literature desk review – core topic of the research: the recognition of youth and non-formal learning in South Med countries. These first two steps were very important in order to plan the next strategic steps for the Recognise it! activities planned for 2017/2018. The overall aim of Recognise It! is to support the development of strategies of recognition of youth work at national and municipal levels and to strengthen the role of youth work in both dimensions taking into consideration the different socio-political conditions in each country. The main perspective should be the one of NGO’s and their members.
Another important starting point for this journey is the publication – focusing on recognition developments at local level: Unlocking doors to recognition
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