Dragi mladi, traži se 2 sudionika za Erasmus plus “Trening osoba koje rade s mladima” (Training course) pod nazivom “Dig your Story” – Storytelling as a powerful tool in the youth work context.

Ovaj TC će se održati 13– 21.08. 2018.  u Bugarskoj, Dobrinishte. Poriven je smještaj, hrana i put do 245€. Dobne granice nema.
Odabrani sudionici će trebati platiti 30 € participation fee u roku od 24h kada budu odabrani te kupiti kartu kao finalnu potvrdu za sudjelovanje.

Za prijavu ispunite ovaj link https://goo.gl/forms/VPxLvHoMihr87h6B2

Profile of the participants: youth workers, leaders, mediators, facilitators, coaches and activists interested and willing to acquire digital storytelling skills and implement it in their work, having experience in youth work and work with young people with different profile.

Project description

Changing this context could happen precisely through an instrument like digital storytelling. Through it, the focus of conversation will shift, as it will be based on first-person, emotional, authentic, and intimate stories.

The creation of personal/organizational narrative and digitalizing it through multimedia tools are the two aspects of digital storytelling but their application requires certain skills, knowledge and practice to achieve the desired effect that NGO teams often do not possess. The possibilities of digital technologies have turned everyone into a potential storyteller. But digital storytelling is more than just telling a story. It is an inclusion tool engaging the community that can be used in different contexts to solve complex social issues.

1: Improving participants’ knowledge of digital storytelling as an innovative and transformative tool and its possible applications and benefits in youth work;
2: Developing skills for creating personal/organizational narratives as projects for social change and community engagement;
3: Improving ICT skills, online resources and multimedia tools to digitize stories and disseminate them;
4: Establishment of a network of organizations interested in exchanging experience in digital rendering in working with young people with different profiles – sharing good practices, practical applications, dissemination of results, etc.;
5: Developing follow-up projects, using the acquired skills and knowledge through this course.

Participants in the training should meet the following criteria:
1. To have experience in the civil sector as youth workers, leaders, mentors, mediators, facilitators, coaches, active volunteers (have worked on projects, campaigns or other forms of civic participation)
2. To be familiar with the youth issues, work with disadvantaged groups, and are interested in effective tools to influence the target groups and impact on society for more effective inclusion
3. To possess basic computer and digital skills in a variety of applications for creating and distributing content online and offline media (using the core set of programs, understand key terms perform basic operations like computer settings, work with peripherals, making video, etc.);
4. To have very good English (at least B2 level) and freely use it in writing and speaking;
5. To show motivated interest in the topic of digital storiteling, specific expectations related to their current job and to be ready to share experience and develop followup activities in their community and organization associated with the topic. Experience with communication channels such as, blog, vlog, website, Youtube channel, and experience with social networks is an advantage. There is no age limit for the participants.